martes, 26 de febrero de 2019

February 26, 2019 Deep Culture in the Elementary Classroom

My culture, my Heritage, my interpretation of life...

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The Oscar´s Nomination for Best Actress this year catapulted a beautiful Mexican girl. There were many sayings in the newspaper and media. The movie portraits the work and life of a domestic servant in Mexico in the 70´s. The director showed how people live and how the domestic servants worked and stayed most of the time in their employers home. 

Many people loved the movie and some others didn´t. I liked it because it helps to deep in to Mexican Culture, even though many years have passed there are many things that haven´t change, as the legal rights of the domestic servants, also the focus on families and trials and strengths.

When I was a teenager my best friend had her nana, she called nana to her domestic servant, she was more than that, she feed them when the went back to school, she helped them with homework and took care  of them, their parents came back from their jobs or other activities until it was night, so for them  the nana was having the role of mom and dad at the same time. 

For me it was hard to understand my friend how she talked about her nana and their complicity. Now with this movie I can understand a little bit more. How great it would had been if back then our teacher would help us to understand our culture paradigms. 

We as teachers must and can help our students to know these huge world, with so much differences and so alike at the same time. Professor Iver's said: 
Exposure to cultural diversity may form students to may form  new neural connections in the brain to be able to sufficiently interpret meaning in things to they are not accustomed.

How can we introduce and deep in students in new cultures, and not just sharing favorite dishes, customs?

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