sábado, 9 de febrero de 2019


Have you ever being in a situation that you think  that a certain person, from a different culture, seems to  be a snub and at the end when you get to know him you realized He is such a good person.

I have  a cousin that grew up in Mesa, Arizona, when we were teenagers I went with my branch to Mesa, AZ Temple, we drove for more than 9 hours, from where I used to live. I introduce her a friend with whom I had a crushed. The next day when she came to say hi, I was in shock to see her talking with my friend instead of me, I was very mad with my cousin, I couldn´t believe she was trying to get him. Wel actually that was a misunderstanding, when I told her he was my friend I didn´t tell her that I liked him, back then I was shy and I thaught she would understand.  The last day of visiting she said she like this guy so much she didn´t realized that I did too and she was sincere.  So I learned that with her I have to tell things as they are and not pretend that she would figure it out.

There are many miscommunication with people, specially with cultures, for some moving head up and down means yes, but not for the Bulgarian, and moving head side to side means yes according to professor Ivers from BYU-I, so how can we go through the world com municating with every person without being afraid of a miscommunication even being rude.

I have seen a lot of movies were the students at first don´t like each other they have fights and differences but then when they get to know and learn about the others culture start to understand each other and realized that there are similarities thatn differences.

I think in school there should be a class where students learn about the differences of cultures, so they will be able to understand more and have less problems with others.

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