martes, 12 de febrero de 2019

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One day I took my children to San Diego, CA. USA. We were at Walmart, suddenly my little girl ran unto me and hold me very tight, there were a couple of girls talking very loud and seemed very emotional, expressing themselves yelling at each other. I ask my little girl if she was ok. she said she was afraid because those girls were fighting. They were not fighting but since my little girl didn´t understood what they were saying she just heard them yelling and being very noisy she thought they were fighting.

We as mexicans are use to express our emotions but for my girl those girls expressions beyond the limits so hee misunderstood them. We live in a world of many differences from culture to culture, some have low emotional expresivity like Asian, and some have high emotional expresivity like people from El Salvador.

According to  Guy Winch, Ph. D. in his  Psycological site all the people express their emotions in private almost the same, but in public there are differences: 

 When it came to overall reporting of emotions, the most ‘emotional’ country in the world is The Philippines, followed by El Salvador and Bahrain, Oman and Columbia, Guatemala, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Nicaragua (the United States came in as the 15th most emotional country). The least emotional country in the world was Singapore, followed by Georgia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.

Do you think that this information will help you to understand other cultures reactions wouldn´t it be easier to uderstand why some people shout and talk loudly or don´t feel embarassed to cry or laugh, or never show any expression?

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