martes, 19 de febrero de 2019

Cross Cultural Students, February 19, lesson 7


All men are created equal, Thomas Jefferson

I had just been twice at Disneyland but I loved it specially the Small World Ride.

So many cultures, so different and so equal at the same time. Do you really see a difference between these children? Yes there are but only on the outer, inside we all are equal.

In a classroom there could be students from different cultures,  some more expressive and some less expressive, some can jump and shout when they get an A or can say without any expression " OK" like if it didn´t matter. An it doesn´t mean they don´t care but they express their feelings in different ways.

In a classroom the teacher must know about the culture paradigms of  Expressivity, wether  it is High like in the Hispanics culture, or low like in Asian cultures, where they limit their comment and never disagree with the professor because that will mean disrespect.

So differences can change our value? No and that won´t change their value, all men and women have the same value, we all are children of God, and are his creation, He loves us, we have trials, goals, joy and and weakness, There is no a perfect human being nor a perfect culture, but we all can understand  that differences doesn´t determine the value of each person.

It will be very enriching to understand others cultural paradigms.

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