jueves, 17 de enero de 2019

due Jan 17 at 10:59pm

 Response to "Is the Great American Teacher Dead?

Accoding to John J. Ivers article, "... it is very difficult to determine if great American teachers are dead... With classrooms of students bored and without deepening the information. He also stated; " If one wants to see things more clearly, one must go to the outsiders..."

There are also teachers that are truly guiders to knolewdge and wisdom, those that don´t just exposed the facts or information but help the student to deep in and discover by themselves. Giving a path to follow  and inviting their students as they inspire them with passion until they transform their life. There are teachers that are beyond the expectations, that truly look forward to bring the very best of each student.

In a study made by Arum and Roksa (2011) where they studied more thatn 2300 undergraduates they find out that  45% of the students studied showed no significant improvement in complex reasoning, critical thinking, and writing from the time they entered college to the end of their sophomore years. These data were obtained through use of the Collegiate Learning Assessment; a standardized test. Cote and Allahar (2011) lament a high degree of student disengagement, lack of rigor, and a general devaluing of the powerful messages to be learned from the liberal arts. Bauerlein (2008) implied that teachers are abrogating their responsibility to be real educators. 

As I see the find outs a misconception of teaching has flooded the classrooms with less interest and powerful impact on students. It is not who makes more activities or even who is more funny, or instructed but it is whom is prepared to spend their lives lifting their students spirits and  selfsteem to conduct them to real learning the one that come from hard work and trully commintment to become.   There is need of less information and more ahw moments were students can truly find a new world.

In TESOL classes teachers must be aware of the cultural self examination, students that think that since English is going to be their second language they will never have perfect skills in the language because it is spread that they can´t perfect a second language. A good environment is the foundation of the learning process.

To become great teachers, they  must take in consideration the wodespread assumptions,  Dikx said, " a truly transformative learning experience is one where “we are left with the feeling that life will not be as it was before, that this experience has created a sense that we cannot go back to the way we were before the experience”

I wonder how many days students go out of the classrooms having a feeling that overwhelmed them with the determination to be a scientist, a professor, a doctor or even a mathematician, because of a great lesson that a good teacher gave them.
A teacher that with passion, with prepared lessons, that makes inflection of the voices that give interesting and surprising facts that invites the students to deep in and gain amazing find outs. We all one want, and we all must be one, because we all can teach in a moment of our lives.

I don´t that Great American Teachers are Dead and I have one of these great teachers.

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